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  • Description is exactly "A November 25, 1868 reprint of a "card" originally placed in the Florence, AL LIterary Index on September 30, 1868 by Florence freedman Martin Conner/Connor (ca. 1821-), who stated that:

    "I wish to say that I was a member of the Union League, but I am convinced that I was wrong, and have been for some time. I take this public way of saying so and that from this time forward, I am for the interest of the people that I live with and am for Seymour and Blair."

    Until FDR's New Deal in the 1930s courted away the black vote, most blacks voted Republican, as it was the party of Lincoln and emancipation however in Florence-Lauderdale perhaps 10-15% of black voters voted Democrat.

    Former New York Governor Horatio Seymour (1810-1886) and Francis Preston Blair, Jr. (1821-1875) were the Democratic nominees for US president and vice-president in the 1868 elections, losing out to Republican nominee and former Union Army General Gen. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877). During that presidential campaign several Florence freedman formed a Seymour and Blair political club.

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